Monday, June 21, 2010

On Saturday, Nick "Raw Nature Boy" called me and we discussed some nutrition tips. He is always full of great information. I wrote down a few pages of notes and wanted to share some key notes. All this I  will be incorporating into my new training diet. 

* Intake Protein - Every 3 Hours 

* Good Fats to add each day - Flax, Coconut Oil and Hemp

* Post-Workout fuel is the most important meal! 

* Consume Water and Protein before bed

* No Wheat!! Wheat raises estrogen levels and I should just stay away from it all together... especially when trying to drop body fat and weight for my show. So NO WHEAT!

* Stick to Low Glycemic Fruits (berries, green apples and grapefruit) No Bananas!

* Eat Slow Burning Carbs (Kale, spinach, broccoli, salads and sprouts)

In conclusion:
** Good Fats IN
** Rev up Protein (small protein feedings every 3 hours)
** Fiber-filled salads (Green and Lean)

Every time I talk to Nick, my plan becomes more "clear". I understand what I'm doing and my confidence is exceeding. I have someone on my side through all of this! and not just anybody, a guy who has been doing this for over 40 years and KNOWS what the heck he's talking about. Yayy me!! :) Nick "Raw Nature Boy" is my personal Coach!! I'm one lucky girl!!

So now that I have my tips from Nick, I'm positively moving forward. My diet needs to be cleaned up,  for optimal health and for my training. Nick has advised me to remove wheat from my diet, I will also be removing gluten, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. Caffeine will be my challenge. I'm known for consuming energy drinks and occasional coffee's and tea's. So this will definitely be where I will struggle the most, but once I get over the initial "start" of the cleanse, I know my body will adjust and will feel happier without all that crud! I'll gain more energy (is that possible? ha ha...), sleep better at night, have glowing and healthy skin and my entire inside and outside appearance will just be amazing!! There's no doubt about it!!

If you're interested in doing a Vegan Cleanse to gain the benefits of weight loss, more energy, improved sleep and so much more greatness, then visit Karma Chow and sign up for the 30 Day Vegan Cleanse. Melissa Costello (Vegan Chef for Tony Horton of P90X) will be your personal Coach for the entire 30 days!! 



Kristen's Raw said...

Awesome tips! Thanks for sharing :) Giving up caffeine - you GO GIRL!!! You can do it. It might suck for a while. but perhaps you can taper off instead of cold turkey? Better for the soul - lol :)


G.I.F.T. said...

Yes I agree Kristen :) I may go into "attack" mode if I quit cold turkey... but I'm gonna do my best and see how I feel. I'll keep you posted ;)


KRiSTA said...

You truly Inspire me Everyday..I learn so much from you and am So grateful to know you....I seem to always follow in your footsteps and so happy that i do because I feel great...after Vacation I need to do a cleanse as well So I will join you on your Awesome journey...I may not compete but maybe one day....It has been a goal of mine so why not...Right??? HUGS!!!!!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Well girl, next thing you know you'll be back to 100% Raw. That's what I like about it, it takes a lot of the guess work out of what to eat. No wheat here : ) The coffee thing is hard. It's been 14 months and I still miss it, sniff, sniff....
I'm off to check out the book and the websites, thanks for the info! Love the new look!!!
